Spot04097.pngSpecifying cross section data

All structural objects that participate in calculations, including truss, straight truss, curved truss, lighting pipes, and hoists, must have an associated file that contains cross section data.

Trusses with default manufacturer data include the cross section information, identified with a unique code from the manufacturer’s sets. If you are Creación de símbolos de trus personalizados, either select a cross section by its code, or specify valid custom cross section information.

If not using a specific manufacturer cross section, a generic, rigid cross section can be selected. If not using a manufacturer or a generic cross section, specify custom cross section data.

A lighting pipe cross section is assumed to be a rigid cross section of the selected Construction Material chosen from the Object Info palette. A hanging position’s cross section data are based on the original object that was converted into a hanging position.

To select a cross section and/or specify cross section data:

Do one of the following:

For a truss object, right-click on the truss and select Customize Truss Symbol Data from the context menu. From the appropriate tab of the Truss Properties dialog box, click Change Cross Section.

From the Object Info palette of a straight truss or curved truss, click Truss Cross Section.

From the Object Info palette of a hoist, click Chain Cross Section. The Chain Cross Section dialog box contains a subset of the parameters described here; see Placing hoists.

The Cross Section dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select a predefined manufacturer truss from the list, or select <Rigid> to indicate the use of a generic cross section (a generic cross section assumes that the cross section is rigid for all calculations, Braceworks required). For these selections, no further information can be entered since the selected cross section data is used.

Select Custom to enter custom cross section data in the rest of the dialog box.


(edit for Custom only)

Specifies a unique identifier for the cross section


(edit for Custom only)

Provides a name for the cross section for use in reports


(edit for Custom only)

Indicates the type of cross section

Brace design

(edit for Custom only)

Specifies the design of the braces (circular, alternating, or none)

Vertical Brace Angle

(edit for Custom only)

Sets the angle of the vertical braces

Horizontal Brace Angle

(edit for Custom only)

Sets the angle of the horizontal braces


(edit for Custom only)

Specifies the overall dimensions of the cross section

Tube Diameter

(edit for Custom only)

Indicates the diameter of the cross section tubing

Cross Section Area

(edit for Custom only)

Specifies the total surface area of the cross section tubing


(edit for Custom only)

Sets the moment of inertia values about the X, Y, and Z axes


(edit for Custom only)

Specifies the type of material that the cross section consists of; select from the available options

The cross section UID displays for the truss.

Diseño del sistema de objetos de montaje

Verificación de la carga de trabajo en secciones transversales

Modifying truss symbol data

Setting custom truss parameters


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